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king cobra arms

King Cobra Arms - This article is about the Colt King Cobra. For other Colt Double Action guns, see Colt Double Action.

Introduced in 1986, the Colt King Cobra was designed and manufactured by Colt's Manufacturing Company as a six-barrel medium double-barreled revolver marketed to law enforcement agencies and civilian firearms dealers. Available in a variety of blued and stainless steel barrels, chambered for cterfire .357 Magnum ammunition.

King Cobra Arms

King Cobra Arms

The King Cobra design is an early Colt model; Based on the trusty Trooper MK V, heavier barrel; The barrel was improved by adding a full lg cylinder release rod and a thicker solid rib was added to the top of the barrel. . The King Cobra was introduced in 1986, discontinued in 1992, and returned to Colt's lineup in 1994. Dropped a second time in 1998, the 2017 Colt Cobra was not relaunched until 2019 as a three-inch barreled .357 Magnum.

Colt King Cobra Target .22 Lr Rimfire Revolver

Built on Colt's mid-size "V" frame, the 1986-1992 King Cobra was offered in high-quality carbon steel finished in Colt's bright, highly polished royal blue finish. Matte stainless steel was offered from 1987-1992 and 1994-1998; A brushed stainless steel option was available from 1988-1992. King Cobras feature oversized walnut target style or solid rubber black finger cut combat style grips and a large target hammer.

The Cobra's sight system includes a fixed iron red insert front sight and a fully adjustable iron white outline.

Blued steel models with 4 and 6 inch barrels were available from 1986 until production ceased in 1992, and a 2.5 inch long blued was also offered from 1990-1992. Matte stainless, 2.5" lgth was offered from 1987-1992, 2" barrels were offered from 1988, and the King Cobra was sold again from 1992 and 1994-1998. 4- 6- and 8-inch barrels were also available in matte stainless-finish models from 1990 through 1992. They returned to the product line in 1994-1998. 4 and 6 inch models from 1988-1992; The 2.5-inch was offered from 1990-1992 and the 8-inch LG from 1989-1992. The King Cobra is chambered for the powerful .357 Magnum cartridge, but like most .357 revolvers, it can also fire .38 Special ammunition.

Colt also produced a total of six King Cobras with three-inch barrels and fixed sights. It was made for the Montreal Police Department, which expressed interest as a model for plainclothes officers. The revolver was never received and six samples were returned to the distributor. Appeared in North Carolina in 2006, dated Colt Archives listed on Gunbroker, now in the hands of a private collector. The fate of the remaining five is unknown.

Colt King Cobra Satin Stainless 6\

In 2019, The King Cobra was redesigned with a three-inch barrel. The gun debuted at SHOT Show 2019.

Like most .357 Magnum revolvers, the Colt King Cobra can chamber and fire the shorter .38 Special cartridge. Colt's snake guns are one of the most sought after revolver series in recent memory. There were many variations, from the basic Cobra revolver to the massive Colt Anacondas. My personal Colt revolver is a Colt King Cobra. My grandfather was fascinated with big pistols and enjoyed using them for hunting and just for fun. I am so thankful that I got to go with my grandparents and shoot a revolver. My grandfather had King Cobra, There are a variety of Colts, including two Pythons and an Anaconda, and several large pistols. Sadly, my grandfather passed away in 2009 from brain cancer, but in his will he left his King Cobra with the factory box and owner's manual.

When I bought the pistol in 2009, the King Cobra values ​​were much cheaper than the Python at that time. King Cobra isn't much of a snake collection, but prices have skyrocketed over the past few years. The revolver is well built and I enjoy shooting cobras at range. Because the prices are so high, the cobra is often kept safe. I often feel guilty and stop shooting him. Instead, It was taken out of the safe and valued from a collector's perspective along with its sentimental value.

King Cobra Arms

One of the coolest things about the King Cobra and Colt's other snake guns is the pistol grip. Whether shooting at a distance or just watching. King Cobra is a sleek and attractive shooter. In the movie Long Kiss Goodnight, Samuel L Jackson delivers the classic line, "It's not ham on rye friends." As a teenager I thought this movie had a cool Samuel L Jackson vibe and I remember him threatening people with a revolver. Fast forward fifteen years and I am now the owner of the same revolver. To be honest, I am a huge fan of the Smith & Wesson 686 revolver; But to me, the older King Cobra versions have a more sophisticated feel to them.

Blast From The Past

Of all the guns I own and shoot regularly, I still think the King Cobra has the smoothest DA/SA trigger of any gun in my collection. Modern weapons are designed for quick control. Typically, The new equipment is intended to be shot in competitions or training sessions. The firearms community has transitioned from recreational shooting to target shooting. Whether it's training or competition. Young shooters don't just go out for fun. I fall into this trap and try to build all my range trips, not shoot for fun.

The King Cobra feels like a pure 1950s Cadillac. You can drive as fast as you can, but it's more fun if you like to slow down and enjoy the ride. The King Cobra is also a great shooting experience compared to other pistols I own. You can really slow down and enjoy the experience of moving the hammer in one move. Everything feels more despicable in King Cobra, and it's incredibly satisfying to feel it fall back into your hands. The King Cobra does not recoil when fired with a regular-powered .38 Special cannon.

Chambered up to the .357 Magnum round, the gun is very easy to handle. I'm constantly amazed at how much fun it is to shoot a cobra without touching your hand. The party part of the King Cobra is its 6-inch barrel and how accurate the gun is. You can usually get a good shot at 25 yards on a regular basis. The gun is a joy to shoot and a completely different experience from the polymer wonders on the market today.

After all, Old snake guns will always have a special place in my heart. Some of my fondest memories are growing up shooting various options. I was very lucky to inherit such a great revolver from my grandfather. Thank you for the memories we made together. I don't shoot King Cobra a lot because of the cost. In fact, it doesn't stop me from using it every now and then. The King Cobra is one of those weapons that have a special time to shoot. The gun brings back the joy of shooting, the most important thing in recreational shooting.

Colt King Cobra Target 357 Magnum 4.25\

A gun that brings a smile to my face and takes me back to simpler times in my life. When I go to the range, it's not to train or help others, but to learn to shoot for fun. If you haven't picked up a vintage snake gun yet, I encourage you to. They are great examples of what a high quality revolver should be. If you have snake guns, I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments below. Contact me on my Instagram @fridgeoperator if you have any questions. Be safe out there!

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I love filming and I love educating myself whether it's in my work or filming. I am a simple person who talks to other people about guns and other passions.

King Cobra Arms

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