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emergency number in japan

Emergency Number In Japan - Since you're in Japan, you've probably heard of 119 and 110 but have you ever heard of phone calls when you're not sure if you should call an emergency number or not? How about a number that can help you escape a boring date or any awkward situation where you just need an excuse to leave? Oh yeah, there's a number for that.

Japan is truly the land of things-you-never-thought-you-need-in-your-life! And I know it's the age of the smartphone but you never know when you'll need the good old fashioned 3 digit dial to save you from an emergency or a general problem.

Emergency Number In Japan

Emergency Number In Japan

Call to report an accident or crime. This line will take you to the police call centre. English is available in some areas.

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Call to report a fire, request an ambulance or rescue service. English is available in some areas.

Call to report an accident or crime at sea. This line is directed to the Japan Coast Guard. Examples of these situations are:

To ensure quick response to 110 emergency calls, people are advised to use #9110 to contact the police for non-urgent matters. This helpline can be used to report stalking, spousal abuse, child abuse, juvenile delinquency and counterfeiting.

If you are not sure if your case qualifies as an emergency, you can call #7119. The telephone consultation team consists of doctors, nurses and trained EMS personnel who can answer your questions. They can advise you on your level of emergency and, if necessary, with hospital information.

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There's also an online self-assessment question and answer form for injured or sick people who aren't sure whether to call an ambulance or just go to the hospital. The website is a Tokyo EMS guide but anyone can really use it. It's in English so be sure to bookmark it on your phone for easy access!

You called someone but their line seems to be busy. Call this phone number to find out if they are on another phone or blocking your number!

Don't waste your time trying to call someone multiple times and guessing when you will finally get through. When you call this phone number, you will be notified when the number you are trying to call is available.

Emergency Number In Japan

If you are stuck in a boring meeting or having a bad day and just want to escape the situation, this phone number can save you. Call this number secretly and your phone will ring later. Answer the phone and pretend you are talking to someone. Voila! Have your sweet escape!

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If you need a reliable bilingual person to help you with your problems, whether it is emergency related such as calling hospitals and making appointments, money related such as applying for government financial assistance, or any other tasks. That can help make your life easier in Japan, you're in the right place because Akiko Desu is. As your dedicated virtual assistant, I will help you with tasks that you find difficult to do alone or with Mendokusai. If you want to ask anything, contact me anytime. If you needed emergency help in Tokyo, or anywhere in Japan for that matter, would you know which number to call and what to do? If not, read on for information on the different numbers available and when you should use each one.

In case of a medical emergency, the number to call an ambulance in Japan is 119. Although there are English speaking staff, there is no guarantee that there will be one, so click here to learn some useful phrases.

If you are calling for an ambulance or fire and rescue you must tell your co-worker what has happened and the nature of the injury or illness. You also have to tell them your location.

Once the ambulance picks you up, the paramedics will decide which hospital to take you to based on your condition/injury and your location.

Japan Meteorological Agency

This is always a useful number in the country you live in, especially if you have small children. It is not uncommon for children to be exposed to things they should not be exposed to, and if you are concerned that your child has been exposed to or ingested any kind of poison, please call the Japan Poison Information Center:

Calling 119 actually connects you to the fire department (ambulances are dispatched to local fire stations). So in the event of a fire or emergency, call 119 as you would in a medical emergency.

For more information on calling the fire and rescue department, click here for the Tokyo Metropolitan Government website, and to learn what to say in Japanese when calling, click here.

Emergency Number In Japan

If you need the police, please call 110. You have to tell the user your name, what, when and where it happened. Also, there are English speaking operators but there is no guarantee that you will be able to talk to someone.

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